
i do believe a man arguing that every shot should be worth the same amount of points is more akin to a Bernie Sanders fan

It always amazes where the CAVS could be right now w/o LeBron, had they been more successful drafting:

B-b-but I was told I could keep my dog whistles at a reasonable volume. I told Bill that if Sandra is going to listen to her Kendrick Lamar while filing then I should be able to listen to my Toby Keith while I'm collating.

There is no shot clock in HS. There’s a HS in Michigan that employes that takes advantage of that rule to the extreme when they’re mis-matched. I think they had a playoff game last year that ended 8-8 in regulation.

Thats A) because you didn’t make an effort to pay attention, and B) AKA the main reason, because the media treats Democrat and Republican first ladies differently. Laura Bush was (and is) an adamant education advocate, but you would never get the same media attention you do for her that you do for Hillary or Michelle.

If it strikes fear into your white heart... I don’t know what to tell you.

Don’t think on it too hard. The author clearly doesn’t get South Park (but he REALLY thinks he does), and likens his idiotic take on the show to his idiotic take on libertarians and the similarities of their politics to the politics of Donald Trump.

Shouldn't it be -96?

but that doesn’t mean the Super Bowl wasn’t good, not if you appreciate work on both sides of the ball.

This all makes me wonder about what people from undergrad would remember about me. I’m trying to decide if the worse answer is “all that awful shit I did” or “nothing.”

In fairness, that movie was terrible for so many reasons. The fact that it was crtitically acclaimed is baffling.

God this video just reminds me how literally nauseating Birdman was for me to watch. It’s one of the few movies I’ve almost walked out of.

*checks to see if Primary Colors is on list*

Ciara already tried a Future upgrade; it didn’t take.

“White Liberal” describes almost everyone at Gawker. So what does Gawker media fear? Gawker media fears that Macklemore is making it uncool for Brooklyn hipsters to talk about race. It’s much for fun for a white person to imagine they are an honorary black person than another Macklemore.

Black and Latino high school students only exist to challenge brand new white teachers and then grow to love them while, in the end, teaching the teacher the most meaningful lessons of all.

RE: Monopoly piece, the expert play is to use the thimble, but place the top hat on it like a little thimble pimp.

Worse than the guy at the blackjack table who constantly calls it poker?

Did no one open the link to the email dump? The first page clearly explains that ALL emails related to the city of flint were released. It then goes on to explain that the redacted emails are not related to the water crisis in any way...

Everybody is Denethor