
Best women’s team. Pirlo and some high school boys all star team would beat the uswnt

No, no, no. Those are oranges in your one hand and apples in the other!

“In tennis, the PGA tournament prize money, $250 million, is five times the amount of the women’s LPGA.”

I’m amazed that the LPGA generates any money AT ALL for pro tennis.

When MRA assholes complain about Jezebel being filled with self-entitled losers complaining about inequality issues that simply don’t exist, they point to articles like this. You’re doing this entire site and its community a disservice by putting up garbage like this article.

Women’s soccer isn’t the only sport underpaying players according to gender. In tennis, the PGA tournament prize money, $250 million, is five times the amount of the women’s LPGA,

1) The winnings are set by FIFA, not the US so US viewership is a small factor.

1. It set a ratings record in one country who was playing in the game on a vacation weekend with no counter-programming

At the risk of being beaten down, the Men’s game generates a ton of revenue and it is the profitability of the Men’s game that has allowed FIFA to have a Women’s World Cup and generally support Women’s soccer, far more than if they did it on a strictly profit/loss basis. This is not an indictment of the Women’s game,

Exactly. This seems like an odd attempt to generate outrage.

How much revenue does the women’s team generate relative to the men’s team?

Considering the historical birthplace of professional football is Canton...they kind of did.

A lot of commenters would show up if it were a white church. Saying witty things like: “So much for your sky fairy saving your stupid church“ or “Where is your messiah now?”

Did you just not mention Cooper Manning in your answer because you didn’t want to look up his name?

I mean I get that getting married isn’t just about the wedding day it’s about the marriage but like. I thought it was sweet when people told me I’d make a beautiful bride, I don’t see what’s wrong with saying that. And I totally did make a beautiful bride. So there.

File under: not worth an article.

You must be fun at parties. JK, you’re probably awful to be around.

Were you confused about what to wear in this pic? I mean, are those shorts or overalls? You shouldn’t throw stones......

The worst people on Earth are Midwesterners who are Yankee/Patriot fans.


Good job on the ignorant generalizations! I think you hit them all. Very thorough.