
Thats a really good question, I don’t make those decisions though

Yea, this is kind of a weird outlet for this article to be posted

It is definitely not. My wife has been doing it for years and there has never been a guy in her class

lol why dont you do it then?

This includes ESPN, IMO

Culltural imperialism...c’mon. If anything its cultural ignorance without malice. Looks like Timb did the right thing and paid up when asked and now its just a cash grab.

Yea, seriously. They cheered be cause he swung and they didnt realize he tipped it.

Not to be a highlight truther but I wouldn’t mind seeing that Ball 4 again from another angle. Looked like he clearly offered at that pitch

Judging by its small but vocal fanhood, no.

I imagine they would hate it

Decidedly not the world’s cutest nae nae

read the other posts mentioning that MLS is among the few people willing to sponsor the parade, which Billy strangely omits

Fashion Rule #1: Do not take tips from Beetlejuice

Sandler hasn’t quit on life, he just doesnt have to try anymore. He has more money than God and his continual ability to churn out bad movies is just an ATM at this point. Where is his motivation to get dressed up and put effort in?

Now you’re good at being wrong and bad at answering simple questions. Strengths and weaknesses, man, you have them both!

I think his comment was more aimed at the fact that broadcasts drum those moments up at every possible chance

You can leave, yes?

Where are you from and how does it feel to be wrong about so many things?

Because lyrics are the only reason to like music...

Generally accepted term is remix I think. And its better than her original.