
No the voice that needs support and coverage is Zwanziger's, from people like Honigstein. Rather than a tweet saying how weak and alone this guy is. Zwanziger is the only guy making sense right now from inside of FIFA, media members need to use that.

So he (Honigstein) should probably support that voice. The media has a role to play here, give the one voice some muscle.

if anyone is an "angry black woman" on Scandal, its Fitz. Dude is never happy and constantly tantrum-ing

Not sure about those shorts but the jerseys are fantastic

That last twitpic including the Ray Lewis statue is just perfect

MLS plays like shit compared to what?

Why did you want to hate it?

Sorta goes counter to the whole "I WOKE UP LIKE DIS" thing too

I'm curious enough to ask for examples of things Jason did to receive these beatings. He was "acting out" in school per his teacher, so what does that mean? If its talking in class, or not paying attention, etc. then the parents reaction is ridiculous. If he was destroying school property, hurting other children or

Blue Moon has fierce defenders?

Yuengling: The Scrapple of Beers

Its not hate, its recognition that he has no clue about soccer.

He wasn't deemed unworthy until he showed that yea, he doesn't know the sport. I watched multiple attempts by him to call very high profile matches and it was rough, not a lot of improvement either. He couldnt pronounce Iniesta let alone talk fluently about the action.

Would you call that guy a superstar? Cause thats what you said. Sounds like he made the league minimum. Former Crew player Eddie Gaven was by no means a superstar and was making around $200K in 2013.

you'd be hilariously wrong


Well, this article offers absolutely nothing in the way of describing his style of play so I'd tend to agree with you. I'm wary of this kids actual soccer ability though, if he isnt on the NT radar at this point he isnt going to be the next anyone.

Concussions happen a lot in soccer, just lettin ya know.

WAIT A SECOND, does he actually play soccer? I cant find anywhere that says he has actually played soccer before. Hes a junior so he's 16-17 years old, at this point anyone who is trying to get to the highest level of soccer has been playing year round forever

I would have accepted a strongly worded letter asamoah appropriate response