
??? Bedoya was dangerous and all over the field, whats your beef with him?

Five hours earlier it was a sending off for Pepe and nobody batted an eyelash

Been to Cleveland lately. Try Ohio City/Tremont if you're so in to North Market and cute neighborhoods.

Do you walk up to these loud obnoxious people and ask where they're from? Or just assume because you saw one wearing an Ohio State shirt once? This all sounds like ridiculous hyperbole, since I too have been to Charleston, Kiawah, IOP etc. and have not found this to be an issue.

You're wrong that "Cleveland doesn't have this". I don't know the last time you visited but Cleveland blows Columbus away and everything isn't so spread out.

How did you not know that?

I think we have to, otherwise you are correct. Rimando wont see a minute of action, may never dress

Because Vivian Stiviano is a mouthful


I'm the same until these people start pretending that their tattoo is so profound and meaningful, which is what people do to justify putting a permanent drawing on themselves. Its an absolute joke, its not special, its actually pretty ugly.

If scoffing at your permanent faux intellectual skin art based on the fucking Great Gatsby makes me a bad person, then so be it. You needed a reminder on your shoulder for this? Its embarrassing.

I can't really think of a good reason for a tattoo. They all end up being trivial sooner or later. Thats why all your friends have awful tattoos, because tattoos are awful or will end up awful.

Oh my god thats awful. AWFUL.

Really, this guy sounds dim. Everyone loved your jacket and doted on it yet you never had to tell someone who made it? The name never registered in your tiny brain? Doesn't add up.

Without the dog crime interruption Vick is a hall of fame talent

He will just go play baseball, duh

Gomez wasn't in the endzone. He was at about the 20.

I think the point in this particular case is that Gomez didn't hit a home run. Guys celebrate with fist pumps and yelling all the time when they actually hit home runs and thats fine. Cole was doing his own version of shit-talking, to which Gomez wildly overreacted.

So...you're idiots?

He really is the greatest at going down without contact