I suggest Southern Tier Live to you. Its an American Pale Ale but its goddamn delicious
I remember my first beer. Also stop eating sweatsocks, regardless of cleanliness.
Yep, it was moved to Cyprus, game on though
No, its not fine, its a golf shirt. Barely passes as a soccer kit. When you consider that Nike has 4 years to come up with the jersey for the World Cup year and this is what got approved, its a massive disappointment. I thought this shirt existed already, maybe for the players to travel in. Nothing new or exciting…
AGREED. When I saw Holland's this morning and then ours came out I died inside.
Nope, its a league
Its not that nothing needs to be done, but that this type of blatant faking is not even close to the norm
Nope, you still have no legitimacy. You have zero understanding of the actual game and the tiny percentage of incidents like this. You assume this is the entire game and you couldn't be more wrong.
You ever try playing it? That would give you a good idea of why its called a sport.
I think he's just curious about the length of time that Ronaldo has the ball, seems like that goal could be considered unassisted if you were using the same thought process of say, basketball.
Bowling Green, KENTUCKY. That'll be enough from you, Florida.
Peter King is an NFL mouthpiece with nothing interesting to say
That woman is not a manager at a Hardee's
Put simply, no.
This is specific to soccer? Have you read an article on Peyton Manning in the past 5 years?
Because lululemon doesn't cater to "big girls", thats why
Better than a Liverpool fan sad that the team couldnt pry two goals from the referee's whistle. Neither the penalty given or the penalty shout were on actually threatening opportunities. Daniel Sturridge was the only thing dubious about this game.
You're correct. Suarez' reputation precedes him at this point and the added emphasis that he put into the fall (dive) on the second penalty shout was enough for me to feel he didn't deserve a penalty. No doubt that went into Webb's decision to swallow the whistle. Watch the fall again, it gets more ridiculous every…