
Electric cars will never catch on because of the recharge times. I regularly take my current F-U50 MagaCab Fagroller on 2000 mile round trips, and I just don’t have time to do anything but top up the fuel, throw some mickey-d’s at the kids, and keep on haulin. recharging is for sissies. Why one time I drove 3000 miles

Assuming 1 manufacturer offered 15 inch wheels on a full size model, it would get carpet bombed in reviews because it would stop like shit.

And let’s hope their garage is up a flight of stairs so they can put its abilities to good use every day. 

The new RAV-4 hybrid is particularly interesting.

Pretty slow and inefficient/ineffective genocide if you ask me. 

And we found the anti-Semite.

Only a nut drives an EV in a trip anyway. Charging doesn’t matter very much. 

Yeah, cold, rain, uneven pavement, gravel/sand, you name it. I hate when I am trying to accelerate quickly from a stop, especially while turning, and you just get useless shitty wheelspin, especially since 99% of FWD cars have open differentials.  AWD is nice all the time.

So you’re saying putting a sample withshe’s got a booty like a Cadillac” in a commercial may make even less sense in the future?

Meanwhile, over here on the other side of the Pond, we Americans actually do know what it’s like to have a supranational entity coordinate policies among the different nation-states - it’s called federal government. And the majority of us saw the benefit to working with each other instead of not.

“Britannica First !”

Something something, “we don’t like not-brits and brown people, regardless of what damage this will do to us?”

Bigoted, antisemitic creep. Go drink Drano.

Want the smaller wheels? Craigslist/Facebook Marketplace. So many people selling OEM wheels and usually they are VERY reasonably priced. I’ve done this a couple of times to have a track set of tires or to replace a curbed wheel on a used car.

I nice enough looking but damn did the FT1 concept look the part. I don’t know why they didn’t just roll with the original concept - it certainly looked finished enough.

Am I the crazy one that think it’s not a very good looking car? 

Want to love it. Don’t love it. 

What about “Americans” don’t you get? Man, it’s so embarrassing when you trip over your own antisemitism in your haste to yell about Israel.

The naked antisemitism that’s rising here is maddening and alarming to say the least. And there’s always the “It’s not antisemitic to criticize Israel!” non-response. Yeah, we know, assholes, you’re criticizing Israel AND being antisemitic. We’re not dumb, we know what it looks like.

Fuck you.