I see you learned your hatred well.
I see you learned your hatred well.
I guess you win this round of the victim Olympics. Passing is not the same as being functionally white. It's like being functionally white as long as nobody knows. I put on a yalmulka and suddenly everything is different. You ever had your yard defaced with hate messages? Have your landlord say that your race always…
Passing is not being. Trust me.
Clarence Thomas is not an institutional racist?
Harriot had an example of his own racism in the article. Of course black people can be racist. Stop operating off a garbage definition of racism.
I’m a “white” American jew married to a Chinese woman, father of two mixed race children, writing in a hotel in Jerusalem. I’m a beneficiary of white supremacy, passing as white most of the time. My business benefits from my whiteness, and a black person in my business would struggle with racism for sure. I’m a racist…
I accuse you of poor spelling and poor grammar. What do you have to say about that?
Depends what you're into.
Who the hell does ridesharing in a sportscar? Shame on you for accepting the ride.
All the women writers here get hit on, even after articles pointing out the stupidity of it all. I think you just have to accept the scary internet horniness and utter lack of social skills of car lovers.