
I don’t know. Forcing an opponent to run through an injury is probably just a tactic to make sure they can’t possibly handle their next event.

The Wii U is still (in my opinion) probably the biggest missed opportunity in gaming history. 3rd party devs were screaming for more RAM after the 8 year 3rd gen cycle. Every possible tweak and optimization had been done, and they just didn’t have the hardware to keep doing cooler things.

Is anyone else completely fucking tired of hearing about this stupid fucking game? I know I am. Remember when people would play games on their phones and hide them in embarrassment when you walked by so you wouldn’t see them playing a fucking Pokemon game? I miss those days, because a grown ass adult running around

Hope, those water bombs were filled with urine :)

So which is more canon: the comic where C-3P0 keeps the red arm to honor a fallen friend, or the LEGO short where he hates that he’s stuck with the red arm and can’t wait to get rid of it?

Isn’t the new canon already causing conflicting stories where it’s sort of stuck with a “everything’s canon until something ‘more

All this just makes me wish it was not a Lego comedy game and done in a serious manner.

“Audiences are not stupid,” writes the commenter, as the joke flies over their head. ;)