
I don’t think I’d trust any American manufactured vehicle with a tune. 

You say that like luxury cars don’t exist. 

I traded an f80 m3 for this same car and color. No regrets whatsoever. 

Right there with you, for I think the same reasons as you. I don’t understand the love of F1 any more than I understand the love of NASCAR. I think they’re a lot more similar than their respective fans like to believe.

Totally. I regularly use it on oil stains on my clothes to get the stain out. Nothing works better. 

Rare” is an interesting word to describe an exact same event that happened 3 times in the same lot at the same time.

I really can’t figure out what is up with bmw these days. Every new car they put out is uglier than the last, they just give their beautiful z4 platform to Toyota to fuck them in the ass with. Like are the execs just straight smoking crack? I can’t figure it out. 

Of course they’re all American pieces of shit. Why would I take $7500 to throw away 10x as much.

I don’t understand why airlines don’t keep a “jet-set” list for people looking to travel when prices are at rock bottom. If this happened, they could basically page everyone on their list who wanted to go to Northern Ireland that was in Portugal, give them their rock bottom fare, and at least recoup some of the cost

“Slightly” uglier? That’s funny. 

Yeah! We should get someone to arrest them an- oh god dammit. 

Is this because the deceased officer’s family can’t collect his pension or something if it was his own negligence that led to his death? 

Now that you mention it, it is strange that vehicle licensing tests have no section on car mechanical safety and upkeep. 

Couldn’t agree more. Onerous though inspections may be, if you can’t afford to keep your car in safe condition, you can’t afford your car. Sorry, but I value other people’s lives over your convenience. 

I mean, really, that guy could be making money hand over fist on merch that just features shit he says. 

Criminal? Well, I assume when there’s damages. The driver here walked away unharmed, but if they were killed, yeah, criminal charges would probably be brought against whomever was responsible for the wheel coming off.

Pump aside, they probably make the injectors too. Those things spray out fuel at 60,000 psi. For something operating at that high of a level, it wouldn’t surprise me if shit fuel undid those as well. 

The bigger thing is, if it just needed a charge, it would have a charge. There’s two explanations: either the seller doesn’t have the means to afford charging the AC (which means they haven’t kept up on other maintenance) or they have already tried and it doesn’t just need a charge.

I literally said “Oh my god...” when I saw that picture.

What I can’t understand is, stand your ground law aside, do people really just have carte Blanch to fire into a crowd of people if they feel threatened? Like what if this was on the street and this dude was standing in front of a crowd? It’s exactly the same as openly firing rounds on the freeway. Any worries me