
Between this and Joe Biden’s Medal of Freedom, I did a lot of surreptitious crying at my desk today.

As long as white people a) need to blame non-whites for everything b) are freaking out over their impending loss of majority status and c) think of being “on top” in this country as their right, while allowing schools to miseducate children by not teaching critical thinking as well as basic science, a change in

I think they missed an opportunity with Diane, who is a character modeled off of little girls who have a lot in common with Hillary Clinton. Watching empowered, brilliant, bossy, serious little girls realize that maybe no one will take her seriously when she grows up has been one of the more heartbreaking aspects of

Is it sad that when I see tweets from him, I still check to see if they are from a parody account. Its like I want my elected officials to have standards or something.

Our side was destructively complacent too. Probably more so. Honestly, and from multiple (tolerant) firsthand encounters, it’s difficult not to see Trump supporters as willfully destructive, if sometimes also willfully ignorant of what comes on the other side of destruction (pain, suffering, etc). Or just regular

I. Am. Furious.

Buzzfeed, Teen Vogue & Cosmo are hard hitting journalistic outlets now. Let that sink in.

I just cannot believe I’m sitting here cheering for BuzzFeed, which I could have sworn just yesterday was a blog for cat videos and jokes about how hard “adulting” is.

His twitter account is really the only news source we can trust nowadays.

Coming soon: “Official” government news organization. Independent news is all fake.

My only hope is that being so publicly rejected by the administration might force CNN to actually do real journalism.

Can we get IDs on the assholes laughing and clapping when this happened?

The only news station that matters now is : news according to Trump on a Trump Network

Well, if every credible news agency is now a propaganda machine, I guess my Film Studies degree is going to be way more useful than I ever thought it would be.

“Trump later called it a “failing piece of garbage,” and said it would “suffer the consequences” for publishing the report.”

Trevor Noah has improved, but Seth Meyers has been doing this longer. I feel like years of weekend update was practice for stuff like this.

“That’s not true.”

Good. Keep it coming. I just want all these previously hidden items to come flying like bats outta hell. I am done with this administration and they haven’t even started.

US Representative John Lewis, Civil Rights Activist, will testify against Sessions. He was almost beaten to death in Sessions’ home state. May he speak and bear witness for MLK and Coretta Scott King.

How is this not, you know, treason? Working with a foreign power to influence US politics in exchange for dirt on your political opponent- that has to be something.... right?