
I was born in 1983, so I think i’m right at the cusp of “Millennial” status and I don’t have much time for the generation that invented the Polaroid camera but is now bitching about cellphone selfies. My dad had a 30+ year career at a job he got because he could turn a double-play and they wanted him on the company

He’s on the wrong side of the river.

Tom Cruise Micromanaged The Mummy Movie Into Sucking

A world where it’s like, not ok to rape women?

Some people just DO NOT GET the trademark irony that distinguishes so many of Jezebel’s best posts. It’s a tragedy, really.

I can’t understand a goddamn thing he says, even in print. It’s just a bunch of incoherent words. Is he senile?

I’m still mad about the finale. Robin + Barney for life.

Well, you know, I forgot to mention the Pilates.

As does my cat. He’s a cat.

This all seems like a pretty fair response? We don’t have any evidence that he would even be good at doing some sort of political humor/commentary. Its hard for me to fault someone when all they’re saying is “look I just want to do my style of comedy” on their own show.

I don’t understand why you’re talking about Big Daddy when you should be talking about Friends.

There’s only one good Robin Hood movie.

Down With Love, because I will always love Ewan McGreggor.

I’m sorry how do you not have more stars and why is this the first time I’ve seen someone come up with Dolt 45?!

Press Secretary to Dolt 45 has got to be one of the worst jobs in the world. Imagine trying to explain yesterday’s crazy pants interviews. No wonder he didn’t take questions.

I get the wariness. Actors are by nature self-promoting and we always have to do the ally assessment. But are we really going to blame a guy for couching his opinions by acknowledging his privilege and citing his sources? That seems legitimately thoughtful and potentially more conducive to a nuanced conversation that

Oh Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, I do declare! That one sure was a knee-slapper! Suh, you are the livin’ end, I say, the vereh limit!

Confession: I have never seen Dirty Dancing.