
I’m an old woman, which means that I’m an automatic and easy target of both ridicule and indifference. I have wrinkles and cellulite and blue veins on my legs. My hair is wispy and whiter than white. I have long since aged out of desirability and into the category of a creepy old joke.

Judge not Leste ye be judged.

I’m so sorry. I have struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for my entire life (I’m 37 now). The hardest thing to think about is how much I would hurt the people who I know love me. I don’t know if it helps, but your friend knew you loved her. It sounds like you know that. It’s a hard balance when the pain

Here’s a list of Glossier products and very similar, cheaper products. Glossier works with manufacturers and tweaks ready-made formulas in small ways (a few extracts, scents, etc). Whether or not these are “true dupes,” I will leave to your interpretation

‘So I was explaining to Mr. Ryan that I was the first Prime Minister to march in the Pride Parade, and that he should join me next year. He hasn’t stopped this overly-hysterical laughing, so I’m thinking he’s a 4 on the Kinsey scale’.

My hatred of Paul Ryan is so deep seated and personal...

I’m a small woman and a lawyer and business and law dudes will often try to give me this limp-ass handshake. I always wonder if it’s because they always have a limp-ass handshake or if that’s how they think they should shake a woman’s hand. Either way, it does not impress.

Counterpoint - as a millennial woman, I understood entirely what she meant.

I think the problem you can run into with the Catholic church - speaking as a formerly devout Catholic, now a lapsed one - is that alot of Catholics truly, truly believe that life begins at conception and abortion is murder. I know I did when I was younger - I was a liberal in every other area, but abortion was a real

fyi topshop makes something thats basically identical! it looks weird in that pic but i’ve bought multiple pairs and theyre great. last longer than AA for me too.

It makes me want to laugh, cry, and put a gun in my mouth all at the same time.

Is it okay that I want to punch my face in repeatedly over shows about millenials in Brooklyn (Girls, Search Party, High Maintenance) even though I was born there?

The apple doesn’t fall far from the Bush.

NEW YORK - 4/15/2057 — UN Secretary Blue Carter met with leaders from North and South Korea today to work out a final draft their reconciliation agreement know as the Seoul Accords. The agreement was first drafted in a meeting organized by Carter early last year and is expected to be signed some time this summer. Once

This sort of shit is why I’m kinda bothered by the “the Catholic Church is full of child molesters and people who allow the child molesters to keep right on molesting children” meme. Not, to be clear, because the Catholic Church doesn’t deserve it - they absolutely do - but because the reality is “practically every

I’m still not convinced that Tobey Maguire and Topher Grace are different people.

My niece got to meet Obama this past year as she was part of a team selected to present in the White House Science Fair. After the election she called me to say how grateful she is that they got this recognition in 2016. She said next year the losing teams should be the ones who get to go to the White House! She’s a

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.

I know I should keep up the good fight for humanity, but it’s during moments like this that I just want to say, “fuck it y’all” and burrow in my bed forever surrounded by books and Netflix.