
Then just wait for a spot closer to open up.

Which is complete BS. Its basically saying the rights of the dog are more important than the rights of a person.

That right. If their MS hits so unexpectedly, I want them to be protected against injury. Walking cane, wheelchair, scooter. What ever they need for protection.

Fuck you and your dog. If you are that scared to fly, take another mode of transit. Car, train, cruise ships, etc.

That’s right. I am 6' 6" and have never flown because of my “ailment”. It would be to inconvenient for myself and those around me. I travel by car or cruise ship. So fuck you. It’s this me-me generation that ruins everything, by thinking the rules don’t apply to them.

If your handicap is so severe that parking 20 feet closer to the store makes a huge difference, you should be using a mobilty device for your own health. And if you have an aliment that can suddenly switch you from fine to disabled, you should not be driving in the first place.

He is as legitimate as the rulers of Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc. He was embraced by the west until he took a stand against islamofacism

We’ve been supporting terrorists AND dictators whenever it suited our needs for centuries. It’s NEVER about freedom, it’s always about our own interests. Assad is Russia’s man, always has been, so for us anything that replaces him is an upgrade.

Because the civil war didnt start after peaceful protests inspired by other ‘Arab spring’ events turned into blood baths due to Assad having his forces shoot into the crowds. That civil war drawing in the remnants of AQI which changed their name to ISIS and started recruiting and fighting in Syria. Then after that,

The big boys are talking, children should be seen and not heard.

Is that literally all you have? No counter, no logical assessment? Are you 12 years old? If you have nothing to add dont type. Anyway, a bedsit is a small single room apartment popular in the UK and Ireland as student accommodation.

/facepalm. How did you jump from education to ruble? Do you actually have an original thought of your own or all you have is “talking points” you see in corporate MSM? Btw, since you brought it up, you should read up “weak” and “strong” currencies, and what a “strong” dollar does to the US economy, export and the size

I was starting to believe all amercians believe this “democracy fighting free syrian hero army” bullshit. I mean fuck me, isnt it obvious who they all are? And no, I am not russian, I just have my facts straight.

I think we all already know how peaceful islamic extremists are. Let’s face it, ISIS, Al-Keida, you name it, they are all the same. Why bomb one and support the others?

I watched and studied this whole revolution since it began. The Rebels started shooting first. the Military only responded. Western Media has been Biased from the start, faking gas attacks and faking shelling attacks.

Israel does it weekly and the US can’t ship them more missiles quick enough.

Not supporting islamic terrorists is trolling?

You have no clue how the conflict even started :D Another victim of US educational system :D

Sources? Syrian Observatory of Human Rights aka one guy in an English bedsit

Do people chose to ignore the fact that Assad is the legitimate ruler of the sovereign state of Syria?Islamist terrorists are attacking the sovereign legitimate government and we are backing the terrorists? The FSA and the rest of their terrorist kin are no better than ISIS, there are plenty of videos online of them