
I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

tfw you’re done using black culture for profit and moving onto your Colbie Caillat phase.

Fortunately for our democracy, there are checks and balances that keep the President honest. Russian checks and Cayman Island balance sheets.

Diesel / (michelle) Rodriguez 2024

He’s not fooling anyone, he’s a Republican, so to have a chance against him, we’ll have to give the democratic nomination to Vin Diesel. Shit, we really are a Banana Republic now.

I have no love lost for James Comey, who I do think impacted the election, and no I don’t think HRC was blameless.

The US has a long, sordid history of rugged individualismthat is mostly bullshit. Politicians appeal to that idea and get people to go against their own best interests so the politicians can funnel money to their buddies instead of building a society.

Friendly English Lit reminder: the point of this quote is not that Juliet is wondering where Romeo is. Rather, the “wherefore art thou” is meant as “WHY are you Romeo Montague,” as in, “I really wish you were from literally any other family.”

Filed to: Like the deserts miss the rain. lol

Between this, the election in France and the fact that I got to reconnect with friends I’ve known for 13 years all weekend I’m feeling really happy. I hope these young women receive the support they need to reintegrate into their communities.

I think he softened the blow quite a bit. The writing was on the wall. I started reading it and felt like the husband gaslit the writer into starting up an open relationship. “Oh honey it’s so you can get YOUR sexual satisfaction” but really the husband manipulated the whole thing. The husband sounds like the worst

Hell, that second response is harsh.

I...believe him, actually. A lot of newly-sober people acquire hobbies to stay busy in the time they previously would have spent boozing/using.

Because of this, and because of the fact that pulling for top characters can be really expensive and after spending a fortune you can still get nothing, some of the top posts in the FEH Reddit are serious discussions of gambling addiction and links to Suicide Prevention hotlines.

“Why isn’t this working?!?”

And this is why I would never, EVER, seriously consider living in New York city.

I just grabbed a snack from the office kitchen. Thanks, I am now no longer hungry.

Look, just because I’m being silent doesn’t mean I’m being silent. It just means I’m being. Silently.