
I looked at the docs (I believe the Radar article had a link to it) and it had scans of some of the pictures and they seemed of artsy nature for the most part. The one that made me cringe the most was a depiction of a child pageant star fully clothed, and obviously staged, but she had a rope around her neck(?).


It’s so weird - almost like if enough people cast protest votes against something they don’t like in favor of something they actively hate as a way of making a point, the world markets don’t register the sarcasm in their original vote and instead plunge the entire global financial system into chaos.

Exactly. I live in a large, urban county. His campaign ‘sponsored’ candidates, in name only I guess, because he never actively campaigned for them. The 24 yr old they nominated for SHERIFF had zero law enforcement or political experience....

In-fucking-deed. These teachers are all halfwits. Pot meet kettle.

This is an excellent example of why representitive democracy should be just that: representative. Initiative and referenda is a cop-out for politicians who are afraid to make tough decisions; the typical voter is not educated enough on most topics, let alone the really big ones (like this).


Yeah, the line about Ta-Nehesi Coates is the one piece of this that feels somewhat sympathetic to me. I’ll sometimes message other teaching friends about students mangling things to a similar degree. THE DIFFERENCE IS, though, that I’ll usually follow up with something like ‘howww?’ or ‘I’m failing them’ (half

Oh FFS. These teachers were privately blowing off steam. This hacker is a dick for making the students see these comments.

There are a lot of people this morning that are pointing at hose who thought their vote would be just a protest vote and this isn’t something the UK would actually do. I wonder if the vote was held again today if Leave would still win.

Don’t think for a second that this will change the minds of some of the more...*enthusiastic* Bernie supporters who want to protest vote.

A protest vote brah, to be all authentic and stuff.

So he voted with no actual idea of what he was voting for?

I hope these idiots who say things like “This country deserves someone as horrible as Trump as a president. I might just vote for him to prove a point” realize that toying with the country like this isn’t cute and has real consequences.

When we started to enforce Prohibition, there were people who supported Prohibition that were shocked and surprised to learn that beer and wine were illegal in addition to hard liquor.

Representative democracy such as a Parliament or Congress (with a side helping of executive cabinets or departments) who can at least have a hearing on the matter to review all arguments before they act. They can still screw it up, but it gives slightly better odds than leaving it to the public. We would never get a

Yeah Cameron fucked the game all up on that one.

A protest vote. You know, like voting third party because Bernie didn’t get the nomination...

Lol I just found out that under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, which deals with the (til-now theoretical) situation of a country leaving the EU, the terms of exit are determined and voted upon only by the remaining 27 countries - meaning that all those UKIP/Leave promises about what breaking with the EU would be


Maybe this can be a lesson for all of the Americans who want to vote for Trump in November as some sort of protest vote.