
Apparently, my father didn’t get the memo on “illegal alien.” Then I got a story about Ann Richards running for some county level office, where she made an issue of the fact that her opponent said something that’s now a huge slur instead of “illegal alien.” He was pretty embarrassed when I told him that to anyone

Where you at a thing with my 92 year old grandma? We do have to remind her not to say that.

Sen. Grassley has already refused to have hearings on violent extremism and white supremacy. He was willing to go so far as to tweet that it’s bad, but not act.

Some people in Kentucky joke that in typical Kentucky fashion they waited for the outcome of the war and then sided with the losers. It explains a ton.

Taney t was a fairly significant Maryland history factoid even recently with Dred Scott played down. He was also the first Catholic cabinet member when Catholics were considered unfit for public life by many because they might take orders from the Pope and not directly from God like good Protestants. (that’s sarcasm)

For any of the monuments that weren’t mass created sure. But lots of these were mass produced in a factory and are the same or very close to it. We don’t need hundreds of them.

It’s not like we are pretending that Taney was never on the Court. Or that there is a line-up of Chief Justice statues and his went away. We aren’t pretending he was never attorney general. That would be erasing history.

Well, with the Roger Taney, he wasn’t a Confederate soldier. He was Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. He wrote one of the worst decisions of Constitutional law ever. It’s more like a statue of Antonin Scalia in New Jersey. Neither of whom I think deserve public monuments, but I don’t find the existence quite so

Are direwolves really fictional or more extinct? Because this is an extinct animal called the dire wolf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dire_wolf The number of skeletons as the La Brea Tar Pits is huge.

I’m trying to introduce two cats that are about a year and man is it.work!

Are there lots people who are careless? Yes. Are there lots of people who chose a method with a failure rate that is inconsistent with their goals? Yes.

Even Jeff Sessions is calling it terrorism.

Yes. I’m too lazy yo look for the screen caps, but that’s what they are saying. It was like when you were a kid and your mom made you apologize to your sister and you totally didn’t mean it.

Like grown-up women? I’m a woman and I’ve never witnessed anything like that beyond the age of 14. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. I believe you. I’m just kind of amazed.

I was thinking it might be a misguided attempt to avoid stereotyping with names that failed badly. Like they didn’t want to use all white sounding names, but didn’t want to stereotype either. It’s not a good idea, but that doesn’t stop people.

He wanted to get fired and become a right-wing poster boy. I suspect this is working out just like he wanted.

Or they were told to follow very specific instructions and expected to ignore that it didn’t work in that store.

One other thing I’d add is that parents shouldn’t assume they completely understand the lives of non-parents, especially single people.

I think there are a ton of great gift ideas listed. Think about telling her she can call or text with any questions or to check in. Then send her a few texts of the “have a great first day of classes,” “hope you are having fun,” kind of thing so she knows you mean it.