
What people are saying is that it’s not clear he even *was* a dipshit. The video evidence is not compelling and actually being guilty is not a requirement for brutal treatment in North Korea.

Yes, because brutal dictatorships never, ever lie. The video could be almost anyone.

It’s not entirely clear he really did it. There is a reason the State Department tells Americas that it’s not safe to go to North Korea. This is not unexpected.

No one deserves this. On the other hand the people who wanted us to start a war over it are kind of obnoxious too. I’m not really prepared for anyone else to die when the State Department tells you not to go to North Korea because stuff like this happens.

I’m so, so very sorry. Anyone who makes this harder for your sister on purpose is a terrible person.

It’s the same procedure medically. In theory, most anti choice people would say it’s not the same and of course they wouldn’t be so cruel. But the real world consequences are that doctors and hospitals are afraid of being second guesssed because it’s a thing that happens. When the fetus dies in utero or there is a

Even in some alternate universe where Megyn Kelly could effectively rip Alex Jones to shreds on national television. These are not two things you do simultaneously.

In theory I agree with this. But I don’t trust NBC and Megyn Kelly to make him look like the idiot piece of crap he is. She’s not that good.

Not even I the same universe!

So other people being awful justifies being awful?

As an ELCA Lutheran I cosign this.

It’s a pretty theologically liberal Episcopal school. I doubt there will be too much brain washing. It might even counter act what he hears at home.

Well what would have been an acceptable reason? I feel a bit like she can’t win. Say she’s busy? Criticism because she can’t be that busy for the whole time they are filming. Say she just doesn’t want to do it? Criticism for being stuck up.

And throwing kegs is kind of dangerous. So that’s good too.

There are some people who ended up with worse insurance. I don’t completely understand the details but in DC it wasn’t great for people in small non-profits. Generally someone somewhere losses. That said even people I know who were personally slightly worse off think the common good outweighs the negative for them.

Have you seen King Charles III? If so is that the kind of thing you are taking about?

You imagine wrong. They pay part of the premium. See the link I posted above.

Like virtually everyone else who gets insurance through there employer the employer (government) pays some and the insured pays some. They used to have the same insurance choices as federal employees, but now have to buy on Obamacare exchanges and I can’t keep up with the rules.
