
I am really touched...a moving and respectful service..my little cold sarcastic heart is moved...

wow...Brooke Sheilds reading from the Little Prince...I am verklempt

I am so impressed by this service...it's a hell of a send off...

@dcdulce: it ate my comment! In short...falafel!

They knew how to make kahki look stylin!

Iam so seeing this movie! The Runaways were the original riot grrls!

Drag King Names?

@dcdulce: dang, I meant she is like a wart!

like a good wart, they are easy to get but hard to remove...

she gots skilz!

The little nose wrinkles on the mini-schwein makes me squeal like a little girl!

I am already addicted!

does anyone have heart palpitations? sometimes I get the...the doctor says there's nothing to worry about but it still worries me nonetheless..

Mousavi adviser: "It's a coup d'etat."

@CherriSpryte: I'm going on Sunday...Rupaul will be performing! I'll be wearing a feather boa ;)