@dcdulce: this pic still makes me laugh....
@dcdulce: this pic still makes me laugh....
meanwhile at [freerepublic.com]
@BAngieB: but BAB has more than one syllable for my haiku!
this is my first dude.....nuff said..
coming out frees you
blank smile; unsure gait
palin and grandpop
wasn't she gonna go to AK for a few days "to finish some business"? I read that somewhere....
McCain/Palin: A bridge to Nowhere 2008!
...electric automobiles...and flying cars!, yeah that's it, flying cars..." hollow shit
if Obama hit it out of the park....McCain missed the bunt...
meanwhile in the cheap seats...
back to basics....since that's all that's gonna be left..
Obama in a LANDSLIDE...seriously....
they have no control of their floor!
he almost sounds like he means it..