
I prefer the short shorts....

@Lymed: no offense taken..the word strikes a personal cord with me just like any epithet..i understand Moe's rationale but it's still a shitty word to use...*shrug*

you see Moctezuma did get his revenge! BWAHAHAHAHA!

did someone say Brad Pitt as a Traveller?

Brooke Knows Not

here's my boring desk.

@dcdulce: i wish this thing had a comment editor!

@Dagny_Taggart: my girlfriend's bday is today,and she wants to see mamma mia...can we will join you?

she looks great...i hope she sticks around for a very long time!

although i will give that ann curry is annoying and empty..i like saving my vitriol for Al Roker...seriously, what is that man's purpose other than make lame jokes and mug for the camera...he is a waste of space...

good morning, everybody, everybody, good morning..

Alexyss to a disco beat

I wonder which Mad Man came up with this..

my favorite picture of la Baker...

oh hell to the no