Isn’t stupid shit like that the only reason we have Jeopardy in the first place?
Isn’t stupid shit like that the only reason we have Jeopardy in the first place?
This would have never happened at Siri High School or Alexa Prep.
Cue the people who will be trying to make jokes about this awful topic...
Wait, there are women who AREN’T hookers??
This goes in the same category as people saying ‘I could care less’. When someone says it, we know what they mean, BUT THAT DOESN’T MAKE IT RIGHT. We should strive to be better!
By way of comparison, NBC only let one employee go today.
A galaxy of stars for your response.
I also go by my middle name personally and professionally. Guess I deserve to be masturbated aggressively at? Grooooooosssss!
Our partners in peace
Could be worse, their players could be kneeling during the national anthem.
Calvin is a Natural, just like Hobbs.
“Stealer Steals Steeler Steed”?
New level of losing: The Broken Tibia Game
Oh sure, blame all of us greys!
Stop. He’s his own man, trai18lazing a path all his own.
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?
Bills are poised to take the lead in the afc east ...
Closing the window early will have a huge effect on the draft.
Okay Laura, ‘fess up. How long have you been sitting on this headline, just dying to use it?
How about we put them together and treat them properly, setting the example that everybody has value to add?