
Tha’s interesting. Thanks. I guess my point is that it may not be fungible money, but it certainly falls under the wide penumbra of the state. But the point holds — it not being fungible does mean that it can’t simply be used, say, to pay professors’ salaries. (Naturally as a professor this bums me out!)

Well, as a regent in the University of Texas system once told me when I made the same point about what is and isn’t state money: “Money gets designated different ways, but it’s all state money, son.”

Yep. And a lot of the guys less rich and powerful than he is would almost certainly be more than willing to side with, say, a Kraft block of owners and take Jerry down a peg or two given that a lot of owners seem to find Jerry to be a preening shit-heel.

It’s also worth pointing out that Jerry might just be bullying the wrong group. There are at least five owners worth as much or more than Jerry and another five or six within a rounding error of his net worth. They are not about to let themselves get run over like a lot of the folks Jerry does business with may not be

A faculty member needs to reproduce this column (with the support of the authors) as widely as possible — on blogs, submitting it with the authors’ permission to, oh, I dunno, Deadspin, and just make this so much bigger than it would have otherwise been. Because even at a private university, firing a tenured faculty

I was thinking that this gives a whole new meaning to “Don’t Stand So Close to Me.”

We’ll have to agree to disagree as to whether the plainly homophobic assertion here was actually a poorly worded attempt to point out hypocrisy that just happened to mimic homophobic language. But yes, there is the slim possibility that we are dealing with an idiot rather than a bigot. I’m guessing we’re not in

Fake news. Tomsula has never seen an actual oven. That’s for indoors critters.

Yes, dipshit, and then you countered his virginity by implying, negatively, that he “takes it in the pooper.” I love when homophobes try to rationalize their homophobia. But A+ for the timely reference.

Yeah, in this context it absolutely is. It isn’t just speculating, it is asserting that “he takes it in the pooper” to be derogatory.

Jesus H. Christ can people please stop using homophobic insults? Richard Spencer is a Nazi scumbag. The implication that it is damning that he “takes it up the pooper” makes YOU the bigot, shit-stain.

HAHA because people who take sex from the bottom are the women and the gays and thus that’s an insult!

“... a more functioning brain than anticipated?”—

I think we’re talking in circles around one another. The accrediting body not giving a shit is the problem here. And if the accrediting body won’t do what they are supposed to do, then why on earth would we look to the NCAA to do so? Colleges and universities do not exist to play sports (and I love and write and teach

I maintain that UNC should be punished by its Board of Governors or its accrediting body. I am far more worried about them not doing their jobs than I am about the NCAA being tentative about encroaching on academics. I would not have argued against the NCAA punishing UNC basketball. As an academic I would just rather

Oh, Sam did some work. And we never even saw him during his playing and drinking days ...

I dunno -- he spent a lot of the show getting shut down by either Diane or Rebecca and we’d occasionally see his lechery not rewarded by women he’d hit on; women who want to get laid can almost always get laid.

My mind is blown: Is it universal consensus that Donald is a bigger dick than Daffy? Sufferin’ Succotash!

But that’s not encroachment. The NCAA has graduation-rate standards for athletes who want to be athletes. It does not impose anything else on the institution. The UNC situation was a shitty one where athletes benefited from a system that other students benefited from as well.

Fuck the NCAA, fuck UNC, and Fuck SACS (UNC’s accrediting body). But in this case, don’t fuck the NCAA for its decision on Carolina — I’m a professor (way down the food chain from Carolina, to be sure) and the LAST thing we want (or will accept, frankly) is the NCAA encroaching on academics, making decisions that on