
Least it wasn’t one of his slideshows that he pulled all the info from reader’s posts...

Trust me, everyone on that project will want to be there to launch it!

That’s what ELON said!

That took me longer to get than it should have, sigh

Wait, thought you were getting a Nissan not a Tesla?

Any story/post with the words “Holy Grail” and David Tracy in it!

Least they were going down instead of getting flung out the top of the station onto the street!

Dude!  Listening to that guy was harder than listening to Brooks Moore on “How It’s Made”....

This wasn’t a slideshow?  You must be new here Becca!

Think I would have attached it to a police car.....

Well, if you have a job, you don’t qualify, but you do qualify to help pay the people that don’t work.... They need free cell phones, housing, health insurance, food, cable, child care (why they don’t have to go to work), education and other stuff!

Whadda you mean a prison job?  Dude was arrested the day before in a stolen car and was set loose.....

Sadly, not anymore. How many Millennials/public servant/”Customer” service reps know what esq/Esquire mean nowadays?

How Clive Owen was never selected for James Bond, is a crime

BMW Films were great.

Prolly has some correlation to how the democratic party refers to anyone that isn’t a democrat as a Trumper, or some other unhinged racist....

Why not? We blame the guns not the people that hold them.....

John Many Jars and Small Berries