
Who is John Galt?

You must not have a 2-3 year old running around the house or dogs.....

Nice picture of Janet Airlines!

That was a hard hit too!

That might work better if you used that black hole paint so you cant’ see any of the various lines and bends, just a dark silhouette...

It’s a Holly Grail!

Here in Albuquerque, some asshat has their Lexus wrapped in gold colored chrome.  Only an issue when the sun is shining here......

Just purchased at 18 Odyssey with about 20k on it. Changed the oil and various filters on it. The Honda engineers put some thought into changing the cabin filter. Takes about 5 minutes and requires ZERO tools.

When I worked on airliners in the early 2000's, we used to pull the filters out of 737's and the 4" filter would be crushed almost flat. America West Airlines, seemed only to replace them during the heavy C and D checks (roughly 18 months in service).  Those things and the air duct hoses about 4" past the vents were

Dont’ worry David.

So you sure that wasn’t the one Jiffy Lube “removed from your car” to sell you a new one?

Just hold the steering wheel wrong and the issue should go away!


Found the Liberal....

What about it?

Last count NM had like 55 different plate options......

Well, considering how many people have DUI’s here in NM, that may have been the point. I don’t have one so am in the minority and feel left out....

WE went with the baby gate on teh outside to keep the little guy in, after he got out of his bed and I had a little guy about 2" from my face at 3am saying “HI! I got out, time to get up!”