
Why is it that every time someone suggests that maybe bad parents should stop having kids (or better yet, just not have any), that the social injustice crusade comes around with their two cents telling you you're bad, but not exactly offering a feasible solution themselves?

Yes, most recently two weeks ago. I work in IT

Tried it. Only works with the main landing page. Once I try to read a full article, it goes back into the new design.

...redacted, didn't quite realize this was about gender dysphoria, I thought it was more about general dysphoria.

In SimCity, game disconnects you.

They pilot-tested it on Jalopnik for the last couple weeks, and now i09 and Deadspin have been assimilated into that tablet-pandering nightmare layout.

Man, that's a lot of pre-orders.

Soooo, I take it they've never heard of a bonesaw?

Ugh, getting real tired of all these reality "human interest" shows. I don't find humans interesting in the least.

It's better than "slumpbuster"

Given the general view on spanking here, even as a last resort...I only have this to say:

"....unite in defense of our faith and ignore the politically correct Scrooges who would rather take Christ out of Christmas."

I hope I'm not the only person who thinks Scott Disick tries his best to look like Christian Bale in "American Psycho".

The Cave wasn't exactly anything great.

I almost see bad voice acting in games as kind of a classic staple, like a poorly acted 80s film that's fun to watch because it's a train wreck.

....and manufactured outrage strikes again.

Regarding the phone data, Verizon was nice enough to have a handy little widget that reminds me that at the end of each billing cycle, I've used maybe 30MB of my 1GB of data available.

Patrick Stewart is just one of those guys with such a powerful voice and eloquent speech...you get him and Morgan Freeman on a stage together, you might just convince the world of whatever they're saying.


"A guy going to a cosplayer's Facebook page and commenting about how sexy she is and oogling at her boobs is the same as going to a strip club and throwing money on the stage. It is just an illusion."