KrautMcFriend: Bow of Souls

Well, we also thought that with the N3DS, and that was clearly not the case.

Whoaaa. Are you using objective statements and logic with some of the Kotaku posters? Don't do that, that will only confuse them even more.

Wow. A typical, "I hope no one is smart enough I'm spouting bull shit" post.

I think it's hilarious that so many Kotaku readers say it's not next generation, but have to base that on their own subjective reasoning; for if you look at what this means in objective terms/by definition, this console, whether you think it is or is not, is next generation.

This is hilarious: "You're thinking of the word generation in the strictest sense of the word as in when something is created."

So in short, you're saying that it's okay to justify any action that affects others (such as pirating, which affected those of us who were ethical and purchased games legally for the PSP), as long as the company that forces you to do so is performing an action that you may not agree with. Got it. So you — are more

Than those very, very rare people who do so, (which you know/and don't act like you fucking don't), can sacrifice. That way, this kind of action (pirating), doesn't affect the respective economies it occurs in (such as Japan), and also gamers like myself, that honestly pony up cash for our games.

Well fuck off then. No one gives a shit.

Go read another review site then. This game isn't Far Cry 2, it's a lot different.

Cool story.

Shooter is thrown around way too much. By your logic, Red Dead Redemption and Just Cause 2 are shooters.

I read:

Holy shit cakes!

Stupid fucking analogy by a stupid fucking person.

Trust me, I understand. I'm coming across as a dick. But I am so heated over this. I grew up in Kansas City and it seems like no one really knows the history of this company (it started here, it's part of our town/used to be), and how it has been dying for years now - about 7.

Whoa! Please don't use facts and logic on this website! How can we blame the Unions for this, all while protecting the years of bad decisions, refusal to adapt and come out with new products —- all while seeing the top brass getting raises and bonus increases, while the company went downhill for the last 7 years?


Do you have a point? Did you read the ignorant shit he was posting? Are you ignorant?

Thanks. Keep up the fight.

You're an idiot and have obviously NO idea about this companies' background, or how it's been struggling for years. We even studies these ass hats in college. They have been going down the shitter for years and years. Refusing to adapt and come out with the products, all while increasing the top brass pay and