
Who’ld a thunk “Johnny Nosebleed” would be so sensitive?

some of us use too much pressure for a mechanical pencil. i have yet to find a mechanical pencil lead that doesn’t snap on me every few seconds.

Indeed! I just binge watched the third season of Bosch!

You named your kid Dexter? And give parenting advice?

I’ve been using NoScript for what seems like ages now. There was a short period of time after Quantum was released and NoScript wasn’t available, and man, how anybody can stand to use the Internet without an adblocker is beyond me.

What will completely blow your mind is how far east South America is.

Yeah I thought about using the bottom like that but you know who does not give a single shit about the seasoning on the bottom of her cast irons? Oh no it’s me

“Some of us even wrote entire additional columns and covered shows AV Club didn’t...”

I’ll need you to cite solid evidence that he’s a “decent guy.”

Exactly. LaBeouf’s need to publicly flagellate himself is as much an expression of his neediness and narcissism as is his public bad behavior. If he really wants to be a better person, simply disappearing between screen performances is the way to go.

Mmmmm, you’re not missing a whole lot if you you don’t see it. Everyone is fine in it, but it’s kind of an exercise in b.s. If you’re going to spend your time, you might as well see the movie it’s based on, Abre los ojos, instead. 

It means “Gesamtwerk.”

Yup. Sams is hot garbage filled with trump assholes. Give me Costco all day.

There’s a difference between Egg + butter, pepper and salt and whatever this is (McDonald’s ingredients for their egg mix):

I agree! It’s a show about prostitution and the porn world, fer Chrissakes. Casual nudity in those circumstances is normal and not uncalled for, and it would be contrived to not have it. As for Maggie Gyllenhaal’s toplessness, it’s refreshing to see an actress’s body that looks real and imperfect and not flawless. I

Doesn’t make it any less of a great line.

Fair enough. I was not in the best of moods last night, and may have been reading ill intent that wasn’t there.

Because cops must be held to a higher standard. Same as lawyers and medical professionals.
Drunk girl in the ER hits a nurse and that nurse decides to not give the appropriate medicine, are you still writing that?

No, but if half of your commenting base leaves because they’re throwing a fit, maybe the base wasn’t as great as you thought?