
Making contact with the ball is not the same thing as recording a base hit. A base hit is when a batter hits the ball into fair territory and reaches first base safely without the benefit of an error or fielder's choice. Hitting the ball to a fielder for an out, as in the play above, is not a hit.

Now playing

Haha, Benjy is hilarious. This is almost as good as the time he crashed CNBS:

I think that every great exchange of ideas starts with a "Please STFU."

You've had guys come up to you and start masturbating at you more than several times? o_O

You are a godless heathen, Burneko. Ground beef is always the best. Tacos as they are forever meant to be.

Canada. Ontario.

Canned, low sodium beans. Dried beans take forever to make properly and you run the risk of overcooking them. This helps remove some chance for error and makes things much faster (especially things like hummus)

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

If you're referring to Fox, I avoid them even more than CNN.

I don't add pepper for just that reason, but I never thought to use white pepper!

I'm expected to take advice from someone who doesn't know to turn the phone sideways when making a video?

My older sister and I trained my little brother well. He's the perfect gentlemen and closes the lid every time! Helps too that I showed him that mythbusters episode and hes OCD enough to freak out about it. lol

Pat actually apologized to me during commercial break. He may be outspoken about homosexuality but when confronted with it head on he was very nice. I think next time I'm on TV YourTatoosAreLame can be my stylist. Seems he has more fashion sense than this homosexual. #yourtattoosarefaaaaaaabulouuuuusss

The name "soccer" is short for association, and it originated in England in the 1880s. They couldn't abbreviate it as "Ass. Football" so they shortened it with the letters "soc" with the British suffix -er.

I spent some time in Prague (typical tourist shit, I know). The beer was great (I had a dark Budwesier, which made me lament Budwesier) and the food was just as good.

That's funny 'cause measured by sales wiki claims 5 of the 6 largest breweries are in fact not Bavarian (incl. one in Rheinland-Pfalz), but I presume you've got a cultured fancy-pants way of listing the top 6. Other than that I can inform you that although some claim it comes from Bavaria, recent facts seem to

You were obviously hanging out with other cultured fancypants types. Cologne, for example, runs on beer. Plenty of beer culture in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Heidelberg too.

If you're worried about your food being safe to eat, you probably shouldn't eat hot dogs. Or Pringles.

@hippytyre: Just tell her to keep her shirt buttoned up, and she should be fine.