
$40.00 for your smartphone + $50.00 to get Unlimited Minutes and Messaging and 1 GB of data on top of that. Total $90.00.

June 28th if you choose to switch plans.

Yes, on every capable device.

I will.

Not quite. Its $90/mo for Unlimited messaging, unlimited minutes, mobile hotspot and 1 GB data.

I don't know. When I switch to this plan I will be saving $11.00 a month, gaining unlimited minutes (currently 700) and I will have mobile hotspot on both phones, not just one. Same amount of data 6GB (currently 4GB me/2GB wife). This is before calculations of corporate discounts on the new plan.

The thieves will have to light it on fire to get rid of the evidence.

I'm am fairly sure that her comment "It's challenging. I love finding stuff. Also, it's fun to outsmart criminals who think they're clever." was more of a shot at ANON that her true reasoning. Nobody in their fight mind would put their family at risk for the lulz. However, I may be wrong and she is as nutty as a

I thought this was funny:

For iPhone users (that are jailbroken) the is a jailbreak app called Messages to PDF. It will create a chronological log of all of your messages, sorted by contacts, into a single PDF. That, or you can choose one contact to do the same.

That is what I came here to say. Apparently we follow the same people on twitter.


Neither do I. But read some of the comments below. you would think that it was worse than beating her... Strange days we live in.

Ha, good catch. Although, I had to go to the source article to realize that it was the MOMs facebook page and NOT the daughters.

No, no, no. It is problem solved. I have a 4S and and iPad2. Both are jailbroken and I can use Face-time over 3g with '3g Unrestrictor'

I say she can hold on to the top and swing back and forth.

HA! Good point. But not bad for two minutes work in Microsoft paint. :D

1996. I remember that. It was a modification of the motor that is used in hellfire missiles. The news reported it as a hellfire missile explosion. Just think, if the motor used in the missile explodes and levels a 2 story building, and is felt 20 miles away what would a fully armed hellfire do.

As requested, here is an approximation of the best days (most common) to 'get it on' roughly estimated from an average 9 mo gestation period.

here it is