Not exactly.
Not exactly.
There is a fee associated with the cable box. And a greater fee associated with a cable box that supports HD content.
I got heartburn just reading this article and the comments.
Yes, it sounds so stupid. 'as [anyone] are wont to do'.
Well played. I had a nice exorcism joke, but this is too good.
The question was: "would something like this actually be possible if executed correctly? "
Also, lol at joeandcarla
Of course it would be possible if executed correctly. I remember back when that one guy, Jarno Smeets, achieved... wait. Oh, now I see.
Open carry states:
I think it was to not repeat the 'hale'; in and exhale opposed to inhale and exhale.
I too feel the sensation. A sensation of which I was previously unaware.
And that is the point. Women make men dumber when they are around. I was talking about explaining the concept to my wife, a woman, hence the comment not making sense. I was dumbfounded by her presence and no longer able to form coherent sentences.
You must have been near a woman when you posted this reply to my comment. And that is why you missed the point. I forgive you, it happens to all of us.
I tried to explain this to my wife, but I couldn't properly express what how she couldn't so that's why.
I think they are fake.
The Moon rotates once every 27.3 days; the same amount of time that it takes to go around the Earth, and so it always presents the same face to the Earth.
I second this.
I know...
They will not be bowed in real life. Lego always poses their figures like this in adds. They will have normal Lego legs. The hobbits will have short stubby legs that do not bend. (Like Yoda)