
Like this?

Grape Nuts? Maybe if you have a mouth full of molars.

The paragraph describing Withywoods is some of the most beautiful writing I've read in a long time.

Great art should be hated as well as loved.

Perhaps the OB/GYN's efforts might be better spent on determining which mothers require a hospital delivery and which are low risk enough to happen outside of the doctor's supervision.

How to get your art noticed on today's Internet? Easy!
Step 1: Transpose a couple different geek franchises and maybe switch a gender or two.
Step 2: Post said pictures on DeviantArt
Step 3: Everyone shares them deliriously
Step 4: ????????
Step 4: Profit!

They are also, technically, a fruit and not a veggie.

Yes that's water pouring out of the windows. Wow!

Thanks for featuring my work (the first one). The title for that piece is actually "Niflheim".

Hey that looks familiar :-)

Thank you!! Yes I definitely tend to let my imagination run wild with these ;-)

Some of these (the planetary scenes) are pretty cool Ron Others (the action scenes) maybe need a bit more polish.

Here's one of my space wallpapers since we're sharing...

Thank you! No reason to be uncivil just because we are on different sides of the computer screen ;-)

It's perfectly enjoyable. Saying it is a favorite, however, elevates it beyond its proper station.

I can only imagine how many fans are whirring in that room.

Saying the 1st Hunger Games movie was one of your favorites of last year seriously colors the rest of your judgements.

Would anyone watch these videos if they weren't about games that someone else created and spent a lot of money to publicize?

Has anything good ever come from Twitter?

I've always felt that the purpose of our "decline" is so that we welcome the end when it comes.

She's not the only one. I recently had the pleasure to read 9 or 10 of the Oz books to my kids and they are full of wonderful material.