
If a photographer wants to take a picture of some random person across the street and then sell it for money, they must first acquire a release signature from the subject. At what point do celebrities cross the line to where no release is required to profit from their image.

The celebrities to benefit from the

Why was Jaime's arm in a sling again?

No ping-pong table?


He's been a Member of my site before.

I can barely remember seeing my character's face while actually playing.

Your cover picture had me looking for where booze fit into EPIC ROAD TRIPS.

I would love to see an Old Republic series with Genndy at the helm. The Clone Wars has been done do death however and I never want to see another "battle droid" again.

My own artwork owes a large debt to this man. I've been seeing is work my whole life but never knew his name until now. Great article!

Thank you for pointing this out. One cannot name their movie the "Last" anything and expect to make a sequel.

Looks a lot like the flame fractals I have seen rendered with Apophysis. Examples from GIS at https://www.google.com/search?q=apophysis+fractals&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHKZ_enUS433US433&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=0TUxUe28Covv0QHbpYDQAQ&ved=0CFAQsAQ&biw=1219&bih=1189

IAP should be turned off by default on all iOS devices. This would surely cost developers and Apple a lot of money but it is the honorable thing to do. I cannot believe intelligent adults would actually spend this sort of dough on "virtual" items.

Thanks for the that info. It makes perfect sense.

Vote: Everything Search

But, bananas like the climate of the very, very tropical equator - So you should never put bananas in the refrigerator. — Chiquita Banana Song

That is a nice image, but weather underground has a lot more options with their radar (storm tracking, severe weather overlays and precipitation estimates for example).

Interesting fact: That term came into being because Limburger cheese is odorless until it is cut into. Not so much afterwords.

Thanks! I use every last Hz and bit.

I found this show to be way too hyper for my kids and quickly turned the channel back to Kipper.