Really? No one is forcing you to pay the fee. If you enjoy my work then you help me make more of it. A real "huge rip" is someone downloading my work and then uploading them to other sites with strange names...
Really? No one is forcing you to pay the fee. If you enjoy my work then you help me make more of it. A real "huge rip" is someone downloading my work and then uploading them to other sites with strange names...
I'm quite sure I never gave "The Paper Wall" permission to host either "Canopy Creek" ( or "Of All Places" ( It's nice to have them featured though...
I was thinking all Indian women should be issue "bear pepper spray". They can hose down 4-5 attackers at a time...
I think the person receiving the message should receive a cut of whatever money is collected.
I think the person receiving the message should receive a cut of whatever money is collected.
The shiny, candy-like button...
The answer probably lies and mimicking the properties of our Earth's atmosphere/magnetic field which provide our current protection.
It looks like The Dude dressed up as Sonny Crockett.
Also the guy from "The Raid (Redemption)".
It would be nice if they made crossbows and Soul Arrows as useful the bow.
Would prescription drug overdoses count as poisoning?
Of course female teachers can (and are) great role models. I also know that male teachers bring a different dynamic that little boys really respond to. Maybe men put up with more "boy-stuff" than women do. I don't know. I do know that some of my favorite teachers were men and there seem to be far fewer male…
Pretty awful stuff. It is a shame there aren't more male teachers though (in general). Little boys need good role models too.
I have only seen the film in 24 fps and I loved it. That said, the motion blur was really annoying to me (see the sweeping opening shots of Kingdom Under the Mountain). I appreciate that PJ is offering 24fps and 48fps versions, but I wish he had also filmed his scenes so they would look clear in both formats.
"It also is displayed as it truly is, in false-color..."
I still miss Mr. Hooper.
No we can't give them time to clean up the bodies because there will most likely just be another pile dead innocents to clean up tomorrow. This is the exact right moment to start the discussion. Anyone defending gun rights today, spouting NRA talking points, should be ashamed of themselves.
This man has your answer:
My gallery was chosen as the Best Wallpaper Site less than 10 days before my Dad had a fatal accident. Him telling me how proud he was is one my last memories of him. Thank you Lifehacker.
I thought the extra screen real estate on the 16:10 display was used for toolbars and such when working when 16:9 video.