For all we know the civilian who did the shooting was acting in self defense. The rioters have been attacking random innocent people who just happened to be in the area.
For all we know the civilian who did the shooting was acting in self defense. The rioters have been attacking random innocent people who just happened to be in the area.
The proper term apparently is now “uprising”. Makes them sound all noble - like they are looting the Walmart for a higher cause.
In this case, “this” was a black police officer shooting an armed person who threatened the police officer. At least that is what the video evidence is claimed to show. Perhaps “this” that should stop is the rush to judgement - based on obviously b.s. claims by family of criminals.
Just a Toyota model. It’s the “nicest” model, but still just a Toyota.
Just a Toyota model. It’s the “nicest” model, but still just a Toyota.
Lincoln:Ford as Lexus:Toyota
Lincoln:Ford as Lexus:Toyota
This would not make it “illegal” to sue for bad reviews. It doesn’t magically repeal all the state libel/defamation laws. The only thing it is does is prevent consumer contracts from including contractual restrictions on negative reviews. I’m pretty sure most of the abusive suits mentioned would still have been…
Just wait till you realize magic isn’t real. :)
The Redskins also may have had some suspicion about the whole bounty shitstorm that was to come.
Assuming you do that on highways or higher speed back roads, you are less safe than those who ‘drive with the flow of traffic’.
The story I heard was he hadn’t cleared it with Gibbs.
Reminds me of the Redskins lining up with 10 on Defense (and playing the down) for the first play of the game after Sean Taylor died.
Other possible explanations exist.
“Despite”? That mass shooting would have been a lot worse if the law abiding students hadn’t used their legally owned guns to pin the sniper down.
What’s wrong with guns AND dildos? But I do like the honesty right up front - ‘being absurd is the point’. Yup, because there is certainly very little thought being put forward.
We have been trying Terra’s Kitchen. It’s only been 2 weeks, but so far we like it. The meals are quick to make (30 minutes from pulling the stuff out of the fridge to eating). They are a bit expensive (I assume they all are), but the salad and fruit snacks are a nice addition. Note that the cost varies depending…
On most highways in the United States, strictly obeying the speed limit creates a dangerous situation. 9 mph over the speed limit was likely around (if not a bit below) the prevailing speed of traffic.
“Everyone” = every Gizmodo outlet. And I’d assume it’s because the Bankruptcy Trustee cut a deal for some kickback money. :)
It’s not about “budget cuts” - which can only be considered “cuts” in the bizzaro world of D.C.
Thanks for the link. I really like that first bench. The Paulk design is really cool, but a bit too much effort for what I actually need - something I can beat up and not worry about.
I truly hope Rio be the final nail in the coffin of the corrupt IOC and the modern day Olympics.