Donna Barstow Draws

I was neutral about Mike before. Good actor, and he was helpful at times. So I really didn't even understand what he was saying to Walter in that last scene, because I was so shocked that he intended to kill him - that he had no feelings at all for Walter after all this time. Times when he helped him. Or when he…

Haven't read all the 768 comments yet, but working on it.

People always say this when they really just don't like suspense in a show. They can't deal with their own anxiety.

I don't really like the actress Skyler. (Anna Gunn?) She really slows down every scene. Compare her to Marie in this episode, and her confidence in getting Hank to respond…

Your spoilers are very unappreciated.

I don't care about any interview with Gilligan. I don't want Gale to die. Jesse will be doomed forever if he kills Gale.

I don't think he underestimated Walter's feelings for Jesse - he saw him fire his own person to bring Jesse in, beg for Jesse to go to jail instead of do something worse, lie for him, etc. As you say, he's emotions smart.

I laughed a lot, especially in the first half. They just have incredible chemistry, and are both so intense and self-righteous that it leads to some explosive funny moments. Later, I got worried about the possible confession, and my usual concerns about this show: this can't end well.