
Upvoted for the 'Bennie the Bouncer' reference.

Was the 2nd Impression the fugue?

That's one point of view, but suicides seriously fuck up the loved ones left behind, and I'm not sure advanced age makes it easier.

Maybe the best pairing of cover art and the music within.

Nice… Thanks for the link!

There is NOTHING wrong with PBR in a bottle. It's not an ironic hipster thing, either.

Speaking of Martha's deadpan:

Not enough alcohol in the world for me to be attracted to bear vagina.

"Man, does she know what she's doin' to us?!!?"

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that of all of those kids, the one who got the PT Cruiser was teased the most.

Always liked this song.

I don't remember exactly why the show came up, but on "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver", he said something like "Mike and Molly, or as it's known, Melissa McCarthy Can't Get Out of Her Contract With CBS…"

There's a darker side to Mike and Molly?

Nice catch. My short memory sucks, so I'm hard pressed to put together stuff like that when it's from a week earlier.

Not to be a pedantic dick, but black bears do attack humans. Not regularly, but it happens. Google it and you'll see there was a Florida man attacked late October or so of this year.

It isn't displayed inside a glass honey jar, is it? Cuz that would make me laugh.

As was mine—it prepped me well to get my BA. I'm not ashamed of it and don't pretend otherwise.

Many of the American finest of community colleges instructed me good. No idea how come publicist makes faces sad and her head hurts when we are ended talking.

No, thankfully. But I reserve the right to hold a grudge for past actions.

"Is there another bad bitch in this house?" Ruby overlooks Diane at her own peril.