
Good; it's not just me.  Noticed this after updating the app yesterday and got surprisingly pissed about it.  I felt like I was turning into Tom Scharpling.

We laugh at Tommy Wiseau, but Gene Simmons would kill to look like the picture above. 

I'm actually glad my palate can't discern flavors to this degree. 

W personifies the term "empty suit".

Then I can be a whore in the kitchen and a cook in the bedroom!

"Ugh….my pants are too tight…"

The Home Movies favorite on my iPhone is "Watch It Again".

"5G" destroys me every time I see it.

Speaking of the Rolling Stones, nothing for Heartbreaker (Do do do do do)?

About as well as Speaks Limited French Vanilla.

"Nope, not chocolate.  Not a birthmark, either.  You don't want to know."

Dance Dance Revolution, or the knock-off thereof.

DYNOMITE makes a comeback!

My neighborhood Kroger owned store carries Malt-O-Meal's line of cereal knock offs, which come in big plastic bags.

Can Spike wear a jockey outfit while doing this on Tarantino's lawn? 

I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land!

I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land!

What the fuck did I do, Duck?

What the fuck did I do, Duck?

To paraphrase Don Draper, if you don't like what's being said, change the conversation. *sigh*