
Care to share the URL? Just can't seem to find an app, but just tutorials to make your own streetpass relay

Isn't wanikani on closed beta?

I know he said he used bronze for the sword hilt; but couldn't he have used iron and tempered it the same way he did to the minecraft sword to get the blue hue?

Compared to the Gold saints saga, the Odin saga is lacking

I'm from Mexico. I learned English mostly by playing video games on the NES/Snes.

Just don't do this and you'll be fine

What did they do to Glacius!?

You want pray game?

"Tron Bonne just asked Tekken's Jin Kazama who violated his cornflakes this morning."

The owner of this website (img2.sankakucomplex.com) does not allow hotlinking to that resource (/wp-content/gallery/misc-images-xxii/first_time_sm_guide_01.jpg). (Ref. 1011)

Here you go:

Ever played Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly? To date is the only game I haven't been able to finish (playing it in the middle of the night with the lights off during a storm wasn't a good idea at all).

I declare this one my ball!

Actually, the damsel in distress doesn't have a name per se, she's always referred as "El Presidente's Daughter".

I actually liked Primal Rage :(

I'd even settle for a "HD Backgrounds and remastered pixel characters" remake.

I'm only worried about how are you exactly going to loot.

Any advice to go from "Skinny fat" to "Toned"? (I don't like that word, but I don't really want to get "ripped").

In case you want to know more about the Controller and the Camera: