
Whenever you make a game that revolves around a single band you've got to be sure that not only the audience that likes that particular band is willing to buy a game that has "music that they'll like", but that game has to have a little something else for every other gamer out there, or at least throw in a little plus.

@bean: WTH?? Dumbo's mother didn't die o_O

Welcome to Metal Gear FedEx

Yay! 2nd time that I make it into the top 20 :3

Thanks for the positive replies guys :3

New Cubone species discovered!!!

@Jouen: What did we do to you to be called "damn mexicans" =(

@Blore07: Could be that he's red because of a living of oiling himself while shirtless (oil + sun = massive burnt skin). As for the hair, it seems like a helmet (a pretty weird one <_<), you wouldn't want your hair to get oily, would you ;P

@WhoDatNation: O... M... G... I nostalgia'd so bad!! _<

I don't thik running out of bombs would be a problem for him, after all he creates 'em out of thin air! o_O

@GeneralissimoFurioso: I hear you man! Future Pocahontas was just a "candy eye" movie, it got the awards thet it deserved, but it's nowhere near Best Movie material.

@Dean Pizzoferrato: 8th post on this article? Wait for someone to promote your comment man =|

@RightFootStar: If I remember correctly, that's not a shop, but it actually exists.

Weren't Xiaomu & Reiji, along with KOS-MOS supposed to be sent to their own universes (Well... same universe, different time period) at the end of Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier??

While the voucher idea to unlock the online aspects of a game sounds reasonable, I'm hoping that the "If you lose the voucher or buy a used copy of the game, you'll have to pay an extra $20 for another one" part doesn't get used a lot...

@wanion: If they can't even make a propper taco or tortilla, then it's an imitation.

@Chester Coat Sleaves: Yo DO realize that "talking shit" violates the ToS of Xbox Live, right?