
"Think eco for ego". What the hell kind of a slogan is that?

Why don't we just have people remote-control airliners for transporting people?

I would feel sorry for people like this if their behavior did not annoy me so much.

I think the idea is to hope that someone else invests in said equipment. Then you just profit???

File this in the dictionary under the category "defeating the purpose".

I'm just waiting for someone to make a "U mad?" picture out of this...

You have to sit like that the whole time? My back would not make it eight hours. Of course, I am only 26 and should not have to worry about this for quite some time (hopefully, if ever).

Don't they have apps that post your tweets to facebook and vice versa? I always assumed this is why I see hashtags in people's facebook posts. That or they are just so used to doing it now on Twitter that it carries over to their FB posting...

Holy crap, I started reading this article and all the comments when the song "Broken" by Helen Jane Long came on my Pandora station. I think I have something in my eye...

Based on the story and their pictures, I kind of already assumed that.

I shall investigate. I have the 3.73 gears and generally find it easier to start in 2nd gear (yes I know it may affect the clutch slightly).

Yes, I will do this now. I am usually pretty busy with work, so I am curious how people know about these things. I assumed when I took the car in for service they would automatically apply TSBs if there are any. Is that true or do I need to specifically ask for them?

I have driven a couple of manuals, and my '11 GT is the first car that I have ever flat out not been able to get into gear at times. Come to think of it, it is usually when I first start it up and it is cold out. Of course, I live in Austin, so it doesn't get *that* cold very often, but I have experienced it.

The article here does not address the argument that the government has about the issue being related to the volume and scale that he is participating in this.


How long would a gallon of bioethanol burn for in one of these fireplaces?

Can I get in on this? I own like 4 DVDs and 7 or 8 CDs that I can upload.

you left off the best part... "and that's. about. it." :D

Not a commercial... it's the crazy Taiwanese animated news stories! [www.nma.tv]