
$50 savings may not be worth it to people for the risk of breaking something and having to do all the work. Then again, I guess you're just out another $100 if you do break something.

I have a bad feeling Apple is going to come hunt you down for talking! Godspeed, sir.

Maybe once the iPhone 4S finally got revealed, there was a yellow feature that they decided needed to go green in order to compete. I think it is wishful thinking to assume that these multi-billion dollar corporations are putting off a product introduction just because the ex-CEO/founder of their biggest competition

Did you try out the fitness features yet? I am curious how well the accelerometer functions work for running.

Probably just communication with a Nike+ sensor. Not sure if that means bluetooth or what.

Yes I love this song as well.

Let's hope his insurance company doesn't see this.

Hi Michael,

My thoughts? Buy AMZN.

Where can I go and play with the Fire and try it out?!

I'm not gonna lie, I just "got into" cars about a year ago, and there were quite a few acronyms getting thrown around in forum posts and the like. Some of the most confounding ones to me were IRS, WOT, NA, CAI, and SEMA. Perhaps you can guess which forums I most frequented ;-)

Melt horseshoes in your trash barrel? You have officially piqued my interest.

I only take exception with #4 here. Bikers always get in front of me or the long line of traffic I am in at red lights. Then the light turns green and they are in the middle of the road, and it takes them forever to get moving (and usually they do not get up anywhere near the speed limit anyway).

I literally just learned about this two days ago when browsing through those photos from the Atlantic (picture 4 in part 2 of the series).

I experienced the same in W7 using Chrome, but only from the Gizmodo link. I went to Jalopnik and found the article, and it all worked properly.

I want to so bad. iPod Nano needs a good BT solution.

Kind of reminds me of how people will search for common items on auction sites and such by just barely misspelling the name in different ways. Good way to find cheaper stuff due to it being misspelled by the seller if you're lucky.

I believe he is referring to the fact that HIV was supposedly started from humans "banging" chimps and now we use chimps as slaves to do HIV research on.

Best of luck to you. I hope you don't get sued for patent infringement by the blood-sucking trolls.

My apartments almost got it today in northwest Austin. Not even safe in the city now!