
Not so anonymous now, you little bitch!

So how does the buyer know it's legit?

I want a Beast Wars movie.

@obzrvr: Thanks for the info. I plan on getting one, and am only going to use it outdoors (not a people, cars or planes).

Why don't these douches have the balls to show themselves? Oh right, their pasty complexion and acne scares would scare the shit out normal people.

That thing screams permavirgin.

@Annual: I'm not replying to the author or anyone else. I'm just saying removing the caps lock won't affect comments. The only way to do that is to remove letters.

fuck you, you fucking fag!

Everybody start chewing gum like there is no tomorrow!

Of course if you wait until the last minute, you're going to pay out the ass for shipping.

@kidfromkor: It doesn't. I have a home premium installed on one of my netbooks. I did a reinstall a few weeks ago, and I wasn't asked to verify my copy.

@MaxPoint: Say that if you ever go blind.

I understand a million, even ten million, but how did they print 110 billion without giving up. Did they keep thinking the next batch would be better?