
They do sell Jalapeno Cheetos. They're not as ritzy as Barbra's, but they taste really good. They don't burn your corn hole like the flamin hot ones.

Oh great, now we got hipster hamsters.

I hate because it tastes like crap. If you ever had Coke made with cane sugar, you'll know.

I bet if the fish they take the genes from had on orgy with the salmon and created fish with the same traits; non of the environmental nut jobs would be bitching.

God those pictures are depressing.

Man Norton is crap, but that was great. Now I'm confused.

@hawkeye18: Carbon fiber isn't used to be trendy. It's used in applications when you want to save weight, but not sacrifice strength. It's just the next evolution of camera bodies.

How about we let kids use their imagination? It will help them more than any app ever will.

You forgot to add a six pack of booze.