
Screw rapid fire, I would use mine for turbo teabagging.

2lbs? How many eggs is that?

@Ishbar: I also like he tries to make copies of the monitor. Then the copier won't turn on!

@siwex80: You also had to buy the N1 full price too.

If they just run stock Android, manufactures would save themselves a boatload of money.

I don't blame the guy for trying to make money off lazy idiots.

@Charliehorse: I think it's better that they brought a crappy AV company instead of a good one and trash it.

Anyone know if this can spawn antitrust litigation?

Unless your car is a freakin robot, texting while driving won't happen.

At least he won't be screwed for the charges, unlike those clowns on Wall St. two years ago.

Unless you eat a bag every hour, the noise isn't a problem. BTW it's a small price to pay to help out ma Earth.

Too bad it also functions as a mirror.