True... I guess it’s our nature to call traffic wrecks “accidents” in order to give the benefit of the doubt to the other driver and vs versa.. But, you are right. Clearly intentionally caused and could be more considered Assault.
True... I guess it’s our nature to call traffic wrecks “accidents” in order to give the benefit of the doubt to the other driver and vs versa.. But, you are right. Clearly intentionally caused and could be more considered Assault.
Ahh.. yes,... Yea, who knows the cause. Undoubtedly something stupid
They must put a shit ton of oil additives on their roads.. or everyone drives on racing slicks
That’s is a good point.. and easy oversight
Found the handbook for this Cessna, in including autopilot instructions .. oddly.. last updated revision of said manual was on March 15, 2007.. From what I can gather.. this indecent took place on the 15th... Coincidence? Maybe?
Found the handbook for this Cessna, in including autopilot instructions .. oddly.. last updated revision of said manual was on March 15, 2007.. From what I can gather.. this indecent took place on the 15th... Coincidence? Maybe?
So... A little further searching.. it’s not a company.. but the University of Michigan.. no? Found another article that stated the Univ of Michigan PD said it was related to a missing person case they already had??..…
Indeed... #Goodshit on the search engine tracking
Doubt it... Already driving, driverless vehicles in Pittsburgh.. The mass population really does not give two shits about political B.s. Yes,. They could get damaged heavy in major cities like NY... But, with low overhead, user friendly applications, and overall lower costs... Nah.. Uber and Lyft will survive
I wouldn’t call a major accident “smudging your pumas” .. if u smash someone because of a break check, it’s the person in front causing the accident... As far as guns... Just don’t pull over next to them and call the police.... ore or less... Fuckers need more common sense
.... Seriously... Why do people have such an issue with being passed when they are slow? On the flip side... Why are you so pissed this person is going 90 in the left instead of 100? ... No need for the b.s.
Y2k 2038... Lol
I would assume that the image in this article is not the plane in question.. but.. who knows
There needs to be tighter regulations on Drugs in the UFC... It’s BS.. IV litterally witnessed one of these guys testing out at a bar in South FL.. can not remember the guys name.. but it was told to me before getting kicked out the bar I was in for defending my African American friend verbally to the guy... He flew…
It was John Titor
Yea... Ann arbor has all the answers... Or ... They are in some serious shit
Or.. he strategically landed on or near a boat... But completely didn’t pay attention to wind speeds and fuel mileage...
But how do you miscalculate the fuel milage of a fake death? Technically could still disappear for ten years or so and re-appear, no? Could be an actual suicide... Without a note though? More info necessary
... Did the plane have any registration tags... And obviously Ann Arbor’s tiny airport has the answers.. or is in deep $hiz.. either way