
um you should refer to her by her true title

I seriously want a spinoff about the Sapersteins

Married dude here: If my wife said, “hey I’m leaving you for Captain America,” I'd completely understand. It would suck, but I couldn't blame her.

iZombie is great! Although I’d much rather date Ravi than Major (Lilywhite, tee hee) so Glee can have him.

Three members of the same family are dying from black lung and the remaining members are still shaking their fists and growling about Obama killing the coal industry and their towns.

Battle Of The Waving Noodle Person Thingys Outside Of A Car Dealership

I'm so literal about themes, I'd show up wrapped in HDMI cables and microchips.

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

When the back-up lights went on I spit milk out my nose.

My favorite part was when he threw it in reverse around 25 seconds in

That driver really should have had the insight to know the water was too deep.

All. Of. It.

If I had the money - I’d give her a good paying job - to just follow him around and yell at him like that for the rest of his term (or life...).

Actually I can name a few scenes where peens were clearly visible.

We really are just the stupidest country...

I generally steer clear of Kardashian posts. Regardless, I felt like chiming in on this. Here’s someone who did something really well and the conversation still turned to her looks. I thought it was a shame.


she can do whatever the fuck she wants!

I just loved that her nails were blue, her suit and eyeshadow were red, and then her hair.... HER FUCKING HAIR! was the white part of the flag. This lady. That’s some ridunculous shit there.

Bey didn’t almost fall - gravity momentarily forgot who it was fuckng with.