
Three members of the same family are dying from black lung and the remaining members are still shaking their fists and growling about Obama killing the coal industry and their towns.

It’s weird to find yourself cheering for a kid to get killed, but that’s what GOT does to you.

Holy shit I did NOT see Rickon showing back up happening this soon.

This was less “creepy”, and more “generic trailer”, in my slightly jaded opinion. That said, the movie itself might be incredible! But based on the title of the article, I thought it was a huge letdown.

Oh god.. Remove this from the internet right this second!

Well he got has ass handed to him so the Dothraki would say this is the correct thing to do

Battle Of The Waving Noodle Person Thingys Outside Of A Car Dealership

I just smooshed my sandwich against my monitor trying to give him some.

The conclusions of this study, as reported here, should be heartbreaking to dog-lovers! Those which suffer from this genetic mutation basically never feel full. Imagine what such a feeling would do to your quality of life and you’ll understand why I find this a bit more alarming.

I'm so literal about themes, I'd show up wrapped in HDMI cables and microchips.

Magic isn’t flashy in Westeros though, it just kind of works.

I threw out the reason Winds is being delayed is because GRRM is keeping Jon Snow dead just to be a dick a few weeks ago.

I assumed it was the other way around, with Walda and baby being eaten. This makes the story much more interesting. Ramsey no longer has his dogs and we get to see Walda’s true power, she would make an excellent ruler of Winterfell.

People NEED to stop following Ramsay into that kennel. It never ends well.

Oxygen deprivation, he can only say “Hodor”.

Thank you, Charlie Jane, for all you’ve done for IO9 and SciFi. You have been an inspiration for all of us. Best of luck on your next novel. I know it will be better than your first, and your first was damn excellent.

People always forget “Push” That was such a fantastically underrated movie.