Oh joyous day! Sing, choir of angels! Just do something jubilant, because those kind executives over at the…
Oh joyous day! Sing, choir of angels! Just do something jubilant, because those kind executives over at the…
Side note, I’m very happy to see a full and proper recap on the site. I’ve missed reading recaps for the shows I like to watch (even read those that I don’t watch) and have been disappointed in the direction Gawker is taking io9 lately. Thanks, CJA!
Botlon’s bloodhounds were more apt to lick Theon to death than attack him. A pack of wiener dogs would be more of a threat than those hounds, but I get the point, Theon was putting himself in-between Sansa and Bolton. Sorry for the nitpick.
What pisses me off more than anything about last night’s episode is the shit I’ve had to wade through afterward.
When Brienne kneels in front of her, Sansa stops cowering, stands tall, and says the formal language you’re supposed to say (with a little help from Pod.)
Ok, was I the only one that thought Ramsay was going to kill Brienne with an arrow or something either during or immediately after the touching scene between Sansa and Brienne? I think I have GoT PTSD.
You are starting to feel like Brienne is the most heroic? About time. She is exemplifies the “Knightly” ideals that most of the male knights abandon at their earliest convenience. She has been doing that since season 2. Brienne is a naive mess, but she is the best knight in Westeros.
This might be my favorite movie review since...well, maybe ever.
NYE 1999 belonged to him.
But as a member of Night’s Watch don’t they renounce those titles and such? So he’s legimitzed as a Stark, but still not the rightful heir — unless his vows are nullified by him being mostly dead.
After last week’s saloon fight and the pilot’s 70s-set bar fight, I want Legends of Tomorrow to forget the whole save-the-world nonsense and be about Sara+Cold+Heatwave getting into bar fights throughout history.
aaaand the 6 day countdown until my complete withdrawal from all internet media sites (goodbye, io9, it’s been a good few years) begins. I hope it’s worth it, grrm.
When the back-up lights went on I spit milk out my nose.
My favorite part was when he threw it in reverse around 25 seconds in
That driver really should have had the insight to know the water was too deep.
Location scouting has begun, with director Michael Bay seemingly setting his sights on Stonehenge in England as a potential target.
he’s actually a talented actor given the right role (e.g. Guy Ritchie movies, The Bank Job). But Hollywood only gives him the tought guy roles. Thought he was great in Spy.
If I want to see a shitty movie with a giant shark, I'll watch Deep Blue Sea.
Good. The Natalie Portman romance aspect is by far the worst part of the Thor movies.