Dawn Christine Doublet

Did they sing that when they were trying out for the musical.? At home I mean during that episode?

Yet his misconceptions do have a basis in reality… So it all works

Upvoted primarily for your last paragraph

you know, I never really was that love with Emma. She's fine I don't want to get hurt or anything but I really don't think there was anything great about her

I want to see this!!

To be fair, there really isn't a way that could have topped last week's. I think it was fine

I do not ever want to see Caleb again he's sucked as an actor… His one contribution was that he looked like he could be Dylan's father

Upvoted particularly for the comment about killing it every episode. Not many shows can say that. I can't think of one anyways… Well maybe the series Justified

You are talking about Olyphant, right?

I am so excited for Twin Peaks… Prison Break , as well. I know they're totally different shows but I did like the story of prison break and I want to see how they pull off Scofield being alive!

yes I think I'm going to be watch Justified now… Some of the best television ever

But they made The Brady Bunch happen after a lot years… Lol

I think season 5 should be the progression of Norman from now until the movie Psycho days. And then in four
or five years a movie pertaining to the Anthony Perkins version of cycle… with Highmore of course. That would be my wish list

if it was in the paper, Norman could have stipulated it was a closed funeral.

No but knowing the life insurance their guarantees payment later on

It has been mentioned how Pine Rest or whatever it is is far away from White Pine Bay who's to say he even knows about it at this point?

money-wise… Maybe there was life insurance on Norma's part as far as paying for the funeral

Again, trying to figure out all these little things takes out of the enjoyment of watching anything… Not that I think it's wrong to have some questions but you know sometimes it can get ridiculous

true. I think as long as they know they're getting money they don't care who's there or isn't there

Then again it is TV Land. Sometimes I think we get too caught up in things that don't make sense in the real world… Then we end up criticizing shows instead of enjoying them